Mauro Scardovelli is a psychotherapist, jurist, music therapist and founder of
Aleph Umanistica APS , of which he is
President Emeritus
He has followed training courses in systemic, strategic therapy, psychosynthesis, Rogerian approach, bioenergetics, co-energetics, transactional analysis, NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis.
He was a professor at the University of Genoa, and a professor of music therapy at the CEP in Assisi. He created a model of music therapy and NLP, "Sound Dialogue", which inspires various schools of music therapy in Italy. In 1998 he founded the Aleph Humanistica Biodinamica association, a school of personal growth, training and counseling institution that acts as a bridge between psychology and economics, placing at the center of its foundation the study of the human psyche, individual and collective, and how this the latter is shaped by the economic system that dominates and dominates it. Aleph courses are open to all those who want to undertake a path of personal growth and/or professional training.
In this interview he talks about his experience with the holistic and naturopathic treatments received from
Andrea Bologna , Naturopath, Floriterapist and Holistic Massage Operator, Musician, Art Therapist, Owner and Founder of the
Ippocrate Academy of Naturopathy of Sarzana
Do you want to know our Naturopathy Academy and our courses?
Every month we organize training meetings in person and online in which you can participate for free "FOR ONE DAY" by filling out this form.
The next one will be July 24/25 - AYURVEDIC MASSAGE
Don't lose your place!
For further information: 338.1659720